How To Use Your AC Effectively All Year Around

Texas has a variety of climates throughout the year, ranging from warm and humid to cold and dry. Summer is generally hot, with temperatures exceeding 95°F (35°C). And winters can be pretty chilly in some areas, especially in the northern part of the state. 

In Texas, air conditioning is a must-have to stay comfortable all year round. Here are some tips on using your AC most efficiently to maximize its effectiveness and save you money in the long run. Let's get started. 

Keep Your AC in Good Condition

Make sure that your AC system has regular maintenance. This will help ensure it runs smoothly and correctly throughout the year. Have a professional come in at least once yearly to check for issues, clean and service the unit, and change any filters or worn-out parts. Talk to professionals for air conditioning repairs for a complete maintenance job. 

Replace An Old AC 

If your AC system is old, consider replacing it with an energy-efficient model. This will help you save money on your electric bill while ensuring that your house stays cool during summer.

Keep Your Thermostat At a Higher Temperature

During the winter, keep your thermostat set at a higher temperature than usual to save energy. This will help you stay comfortable without wasting too much power or money.

Avoid Too Many Appliances

Avoid running too many appliances in your home at once, as this will strain your AC system and cause it to work harder than usual. Try to turn off appliances or lights when you are not using them and unplug items that do not need running.

Keep Cool 

Lastly, stay hydrated and take breaks from the heat during summer to avoid getting too hot. Drink plenty of water and rest in more excellent parts of your house or outside when possible. This will help you keep cool without overworking your AC system.

In the summer, you can use your AC to keep your home cool and comfortable, but that doesn't mean you should leave it running all day. Setting a higher temperature when you're not home helps reduce energy costs by allowing the house to warm up naturally without air conditioning. 

During cooler months, using a timer or programmable thermostat can help you keep the temperature lower when you're not around and raise it closer to your desired level before you come home. By following these simple steps, you can use your AC effectively all year long and save money!

Finally, keep up with regular maintenance for your AC unit; changing the filter every month, cleaning out any debris or dust from vents or registers, and scheduling annual checkups can save you money. It is always best to consult an HVAC company licensed technician for further tips. 

Reliable Solutions From Trusted HVAC Experts 

At Heritage Air, we are family-owned businesses offering superb customer service, including indoor air quality, residential HVAC, commercial HVAC, annual maintenance, and a nest thermostat. We are happy to service all makes and models with our 25 years of combined experience. You can count on us to deliver reliable HVAC services. We also offer heating services with furnace repair and furnace installment during the cold season. Looking for ¨ac repair near me¨ you have come to the right place. Talk to the experts today! 



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